Jelen Beer | TVC

McKap / Jelen Beer | TVC

Delivering 30s animated sequence in a week – how McKap was implemented into a daily basis workflow.

DigitalKarft has approached with a 30s animation sequence to be used in a full CG scene in the TVC of one of the most popular breweries in Serbia. We were provided with a rough PREVIS – a simple story about three astronauts fixing a problem at the space station, where one of them carelessly throws the wrench to the other one who catches it. 


The biggest challenge – TIME – we had to provide the final footage in a week.



When new requests for certain changes came from the client, there was no need for panic. The animation team used the existing materials and adjusted the comments, so final instead of a careless throw, the wrench slips out of the astronaut’s hand.


Ever since the motion capture became the regular part of the Digitalkraft workflow, and McKap is there to support the footage by adapting or improving the data.


This was a very efficient way of providing us the final animation of the characters in relation to the previs the director did for the space station scene. The turnaround time from the Animanistan’s crew was perfect and we managed to fit within a very short schedule. All the fast changes were made. Having natural movements captured by McKap and mapped to our astronaut characters, made a huge improvement to the production value of the whole commercial. Moreover, the general reaction to the commercial was very positive. It became one of those to remember with over a million views on Youtube.” – Ivan Pribicevic, CEO at DigitalKraft says.


The idea for plug-in was born briefly after when the Innovation fund published Public Call for the Mini Grants Program.

Animanistan’s full scope:

Thanks to: Jelen Pivo Serbia x Digitalcraft